Monday 11 July 2016

My True Romance


In the midst of beauty untouched,
A place which echoes nothing but
the wondrous love and creation of God.
It is there I will find my solace is there I will spend my solitude,
Dedicating its every moment
to my Beloved!

And it is there from where
I will watch all my loved ones
in the one Love of God,
Sending my goodwill and love
drenched in the ambrosia
Which I will taste when my being
will be submerged in Him!

That, will be my way of
greeting this world.
I don't know if you will understand me.
It's good if you will
It's alright if you don't still...
For in my mergence with my One True Friend,
I will find all understanding,
all compassion so unconditional!

My romance will be so different
with the one of the world.
My romance will be a romance so divine.
Nonetheless, I shall always send my love
to those who want of it,
and to those who don't;
And I shall ever keep sending
to all mankind,
knowing that I for one
have been a part of it so.

That, my dear friend,
Will be my True Romance
And when death arrives,
I will look in its eye,
with a smile,
and will hum, "O old friend, I am yours.
For I can see my loved ones
standing with arms outstretched,
to receive me forever once again!"

And I will know
my dear friend,

It is a romance Truly Divine!